

Page history last edited by Leigh M Smith 15 years, 8 months ago

 Welcome to the NanoWireWiki!


This wiki is dedicated to developing a dynamic review of the Physics and Materials Science of Semiconductor Nanowires.  The content is being written by the PhD students of the group, in collaboration with the faculty.   This wiki is definitely under construction!


Visit the Group's Web Page!

You are welcome to visit the Group's web page at www.physics.uc.edu/~smithl.


A Guided Tour of Semiconductor Physics:

Here is where you can find a self-guided (online) course on the Physics of Semiconductors.  It is meant for graduate students who have completed a course in Solid State Physics, but who are now prepared for a detailed look at the peculiarities of modern semiconductors and nanostructures.  There will perhaps be more emphasis on the optical, spin and electronic properties of semiconductor nanostructures than would be typical for such a course.



Review of Materials Science and Physics of Semiconductor Nanowire Heterostructures:

This is where you can find a review of the materials and physical properties of semiconductor nanowires heterostrutcures.  This review is being created by the graduate students at the University of Cincinnati in the research groups of Howard Jackson, Jan Yarrison-Rice, Leigh Smith, and Andrei Kogan.


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