
Leigh M Smith

Page history last edited by Leigh M Smith 15 years, 7 months ago


Prof. Leigh Morris Smith


Leigh Smith at Vienna ICPS Leigh Smith at Schneeberg in the Alps


Leigh Smith has been a faculty member of the Department of Physics since 1990. He received his BA degree with Highest Honors in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Virginia in 1982. After spending a year in the graduate program in Physics at Princeton University, he began his PhD research in the group of James P Wolfe at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. While at Illinois, he received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, IBM and Shell Oil Company. He was awarded a PhD in Physics in 1988 and worked for two years as a Postdoc in the group of Donald Wolford at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY before arriving at the University of Cincinnati.



Ph.D. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988.

B.A. with Highest Distinction in Mathematics and Physics, University of Virginia, 1982.


Awards and Honors

Edith C. Alexander Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 1998.

Nominated for the Dolly Cohen Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Cincinnati, 1996, 1997, and 1998.

Allan Berman Research Publication Award, Naval Research Laboratory, 11/96.

University of Cincinnati Faculty Achievement Award, 11/96

IBM Pre Doctoral Fellowship, 9/87-5/88.

Shell Foundation Pre Doctoral Fellowship, 9/86-9/87.

National Science Foundation Pre Doctoral Fellowship, 5/83-5/86.

J. W. Elkins Award in Physics, University of Virginia, 5/82.

Echols Scholar, University of Virginia, 9/78-5/82.

National Merit Scholar, 1978.


Email Address:

leigh.smith (at) uc.edu


Full Curriculum Vitae:



Recent Publications



Effect of V/III ratio and catalyst particle size on the crystal structure and optical properties of InP nanowires, S Paiman, Q Gao, H Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, K Pemasiri, M Montazeri, H E Jackson, L M Smith, J Yarrison-Rice, X Zhang and J Zou, To be published in Nanotechnology (May, 2009).


Carrier dynamics and quantum confinement in Type-II ZB-WZ InP nanowire homostructures, Kuranananda Pemasiri, Mohammad Montazeri, Richard Gass, Leigh M. Smith, Howard E. Jackson, Jan Yarrison-Rice, Suriati Paiman, Qiang Gao, H. Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, Xin Zhang, and Jin Zou, Nano Letters 9, 648-654 (2009). link


Unexpected Benefits of Rapid Growth Rate for III/V Nanowires, Hannah Joyce, Q. Gao, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish, Y. Kim, M.A. Fickenscher, S. Perera, T.B. Hoang, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, J. Zhang, and J. Zou, Nano Letters 9, 695-701 (2009). link



Optical Properties of Single CdS Nanosheets, H. Rho, K.Y. Lee, T.B. Hoang, T.V. Titova, A. Mishra, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, Y.J. Choi, K.J. Choi, and J.G. Park, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 53, 3073-3076 (2008).


High Purity GaAs Nanowires Free of Planar Defects: Growth and Characterization, Hannah J. Joyce, Qiang Gao, H. Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, Yong Kim, Melodie A. Fickenscher, Saranga Perera, Thang Ba Hoang, Leigh M. Smith, Howard E. Jackson, Jan Yarrison-Rice, Xin Zhang and Jin Zou, Advanced Functional Materials 18, 1-7 (2008). link


Ultralong Spin Memory of Optically Excited Single Magnetic Quantum Dots, Tak Gurung, Sebastian Mackowski, Grzegorz Karczewski, Howard E. Jackson, and Leigh M. Smith, Applied Physics Letters 93, 153114 (2008). link


Nearly intrinsic lifetimes in twin-free GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowire heterostructures, S. Perera, M.A. Fickenscher, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.J. Joyce, Q. Gao, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish, X. Zhang, and J. Zou, Applied Physics Letters 93, 053110 (2008). link


Polarized photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence from single CdS nanosheets, T.B. Hoang, L.V. Titova. A. Mishra, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, K.Y. Lee, H. Rho, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, Y.J. Choi, K.J. Choi, and J.G. Park, Applied Physics Letters 92, 143112 (2008). link


Tuning spin properties of excitons in single CdTe quantum dots by annealing, K.P. Hewaparakrama, S. Mackowski, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, W. Heiss, and G. Karczewski, Nanotechnology 19, 125706 (2008). link


Spatially-resolved Photoluminescence Mapping of Single CdS Nanosheets, Heesuk Rho , Kyoung-Yeon Lee , Thang Hoang , Lyubov Titova , Ashutosh Mishra , Leigh Smith , Jan Yarrison-Rice , Youngjin Choi , K. J. Choi , Jae-Gwan Park, Applied Physics Letters 92, 013111 (2008). link



Resonant photoluminescence imaging and the origin of excited states in self-assembled quantum dots, T.A. Nguyen, S. Mackowski, T.B. Hoang, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, and G. Karczewski, Physical Review B 76, 245320 (2007). link


Polarization and Temperature Dependence of Photoluminescence from Zincblende and Wurtzite InP Nanowires, Ashutosh Mishra , Lyubov Titova , Thang Hoang , Howard Jackson , Jan Yarrison-Rice , Yong Kim , Hannah Joyce , Q Gao , H Tan , Chennupati Jagadish, Applied Physics Letters 91, 263104 (2007). link


"Dynamics of strongly degenerate electron-hole plasmas and excitons in single InP nanowires," Lyubov V. Titova, Thang Ba Hoang, Jan M. Yarrison-Rice, Howard E. Jackson, Yong Kim, Hannah J. Joyce, Qiang Gao, H. Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, Xin Zhang, Jin Zou and Leigh M. Smith, Nano Letters 7, 3383-3387 (2007). link


"Relaxation Dynamics of Bimodally Distributed CdSe Quantum Dots", P. Bajracharya, T.A. Nguyen, S. Mackowski, L.M. Smith, H.P. Wagner, U.W. Pohl, D. Bimberg, M. Strassburg, Physical Review B 75, 035321/1-8 (2007) link


"Resonant Excitation and Imaging of Nonequilibrium Exciton Spins in Single Core-Shell GaAs-AlGaAs Nanowires," Thang Ba Hoang,Lyubov V. Titova, Jan M. Yarrison-Rice, Howard E. Jackson, Alexandre O. Govorov, Y. Kim, H. J. Joyce, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish and Leigh M. Smith, Nano Letters 7, 588-595 (2007). link




"Temperature-dependence of photoluminescence from single core-shell GaAs-AlGaAs nanowires," T.B. Hoang, L.V. Titova, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, and C. Jagadish, Applied Physics Letters 89, 173126-1-3 (2006). link

"Temperature dependent photoluminescence of single CdS nanowires," T.B. Hoang, L.V. Titova, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J.L. Lensch, and L.J. Lauhon, Applied Physics Letters 89, 123123-1-3 (2006). link


"Low temperature photoluminescence imaging and time-resolved spectroscopy of single CdS nanowires," L.V. Titova, T.B. Hoang, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J.L. Lensch, and L.J. Lauhon, Applied Physics Letters 89, 053119 (2006). link


"Resonant Raman Scattering from CdS Nanowires," A. Abdi, L. V. Titova, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, L. M. Smith, H. E. Jackson, J. L. Lensch, and L. J. Lauhon, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 043118, (2006). link


"Low-Temperature Optical Characterization of Single CdS Nanowires," L. V. Titova, Thang B. Hoang, H. E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, J.L. Lensch and L.J. Lauhon, Nanotechnology, 2006. IEEE-NANO 2006. Sixth IEEE Conference on, 1, 123-125 (2006). link


"Raman Spectroscopy as a Probe of Single Semiconductor Nanowires," A. Abdi, L.V. Titova, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, J. M. Yarrison-Rice, J. L. Lensch and L. J. Lauhon, Nanotechnology, 2006. IEEE-NANO 2006. Sixth IEEE Conference on, 1, 137-139, (2006). link


"Imaging and optical properties of single core-shell GaAs-AlGaAs nanowires," Thang B. Hoang, L. V. Titova, H. E. Jackson and L.M. Smith, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, Y. Kim, H. J. Joyce and C. Jagadish, Nanotechnology, 2006. IEEE-NANO 2006. Sixth IEEE Conference on, 1, pp. 116-118 (2006).. link


"Resonant Raman scattering from CdS nanowires," A. Abdi, L. V. Titova, L. M. Smith, H. E. Jackson, J. M. Yarrison-Rice, J. L. Lensch, and L. J. Lauhon, Applied Physics Letters 88, 043118 (2006). link




"Probing the Excited State Distributions of CdTe/ZnTe Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Using Resonant Raman Scattering", A. Abdi, T.B. Hoang, S. Mackowski, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, J. Kossut, G. Karczewski, Applied Physics Letters 87, 183104/1-3 (2005) link


"Exciton-Controlled Magnetization in Single Magnetic Quantum Dots", S. Mackowski, T. Gurung, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J. Kossut, G. Karczewski, Applied Physics Letters 87, 072502/1-3 (2005) link


"Sensitivity of Exciton Spin Relaxation in Quantum Dots to Confining Potential", S. Mackowski, T. Gurung, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, W. Heiss, J. Kossut, G. Karczewski, Applied Physics Letters 86, 103101/1-3 (2005) link


"Exciton Spin Relaxation in Symmetric Self-Assembled Quantum Dots", S. Mackowski, T. Gurung, T.A. Nguyen, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, G. Karczewski, J. Kossut, M. Dobrowolska, J.K. Furdyna, AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 1357-1358 (2005) link


"Photoluminescence Imaging of CdTe/ZnTe Self-Assembled Quantum Dots", K.P. Hewaparakrama, S. Mackowski, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, G. Karczewski, J. Kossut, AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 711-712 (2005) link


"Optically Induced Magnetization of CdMnTe Quantum Dots", S. Mackowski, T. Gurung, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J. Kossut, G. Karczewski, AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 1327-1328 (2005) link


"Spatial Diffusion of Carriers in a Quantum Dot System Grown by Shadow Mask Controlled Epitaxy", S. Mackowski, T. Gurung, F. Haque, T.A. Nguyen, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, T. Schallenberg, K. Brunner, L.W. Molenkamp, AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 657-658 (2005) link


"Morphology of CdTe/ZnTe Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Studied by Excitation Spectroscopy", T.A. Nguyen, T.B. Hoang, S. Mackowski, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J. Wrobel, K. Fronc, J. Kossut, G. Karczewski, AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 677-678 (2005) link


"Magnetization Imaging of Single CdMnTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots", L.M. Smith, T. Gurung, S. Mackowski, H.E. Jackson, G. Karczewski, J. Kossut, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference QELS IEEE 2005, Cat. No. 05CH37696. 2, 1059-60 (2005)

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