Saranga Perera

Saranga Perera is a native of Sri Lanka. He received his undergraduate degree in 2002 from the University of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka. After two years of service as an assistant lecturer he was appointed to the academic staff of the University of Ruhuna as a probationary lecturer in 2004. He began his PhD work at the University of Cincinnati in September 2005 and joined the Nano Materials Physics Group in January 2007.
Research Interests
Saranga Perera has specialized in time-resolved spectroscopy in semiconductor nanowire heterostructures, and just recently published a paper which showed that the exciton lifetime in twin-free GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires can approach the best achieved in wide double heterostructures. He is currently observing the polarization dynamics of these single GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires.
M. S. in Physics, University of Cincinnati U.S.A, 2007.
B.Sc. Special Degree in Physics (First class Honors), University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka 2002.
Email Address:
pererasd (at)
Recent Publications
Unexpected Benefits of Rapid Growth Rate for III/V Nanowires, Hannah Joyce, Q. Gao, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish, Y. Kim, M.A. Fickenscher, S. Perera, T.B. Hoang, L.M. Smith, H.E. Jackson, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, J. Zhang, and J. Zou, Accepted for publication to Nano Letters (2009).
High Purity GaAs Nanowires Free of Planar Defects: Growth and Characterization, Hannah J. Joyce, Qiang Gao, H. Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, Yong Kim, Melodie A. Fickenscher, Saranga Perera, Thang Ba Hoang, Leigh M. Smith, Howard E. Jackson, Jan Yarrison-Rice, Xin Zhang and Jin Zou, Advanced Functional Materials 18, 1-7 (2008). link
Nearly intrinsic lifetimes in twin-free GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowire heterostructures, S. Perera, M.A. Fickenscher, H.E. Jackson, L.M. Smith, J.M. Yarrison-Rice, H.J. Joyce, Q. Gao, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish, X. Zhang, and J. Zou, Applied Physics Letters 93, 053110 (2008). link
Photoluminescence Dynamics of GaAs/AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, March 10-14, 2008. link
Photoluminescence Dynamics of GaAs/AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires, Ohio Nanotechnology Summit (April 09-11) 2008
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